There are a number of factors a responsible customer should think about before choosing a pool builder. Taking notice of the office environment, making keen observations of the pool builder’s staff, and asking educated questions are just some things prospective pool buyers should consider. Below, we take a deeper dive into each of these ideas.


When you pull up to the office you should expect a well-kept building exterior. Ideally, you will have an appointment set up, so when you walk in the door someone can greet you with a friendly hello and ask what it is you are looking for. Take a second to look around the office. Does everything seem organized and put into place? Is the staff friendly and collected or a frantic mess?


When you talk to a pool design professional, remain cognizant of the feedback you get. This is someone you will be working with for a while to get everything set up.

They should value your design preferences over their own opinions. While the pool design professional is there to provide information and options, it is ultimately you who gets the final say on your own pool.

Do you think they are easy to get along with? What do they say about their past customers? Do they actually appear knowledgeable and passionate about their field? All of these are things to keep in mind as you go through the process of picking a pool builder.


Who are your suppliers?

Pool builders work with partners to make a backyard pool a reality. It is essential to not only know the reputation of the builder, but the companies they works with as well. This way, you can make sure every aspect of your pool is top of the line.

Can I have a detailed estimate?

This is a surefire way to know which pool builders are quality. The best ones will give you a detailed estimate in writing that covers every detail on the project. This is a stark contrast from the lesser build teams who usually only muster a bundle offer.

What is your reputation?

Inquiring about a pool builder’s reputation is the most important question of all. More than anything, a company’s past work is the best predictor of future ability. The reputation can include accreditations, testimonials, or third-party reviews.

In the end, whatever your method is, doing extensive homework is a vital component to building a successful backyard pool. 

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host

ron wolfley endorsement for Presidential Pools

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host