A good pool owner understands that taking care of the pool is a habitual process. As seasons change in Phoenix and other Arizona cities, pool maintenance differs with it. This is a general guideline for what pool maintenance looks like in a given month. 

Regular Pool Maintenance 

The most frequent pool maintenance is going to involve cleaning surface level debris, emptying pump baskets, brushing walls, and checking chemical and water levels. During the summer months when you actively use your pool most frequently, this should be done a few times every week. As Arizona enters monsoon season (winds at 40+ mph, causing dust storms), the practice could even be done daily. In the winter, these maintenance steps can be reduced to once a week or every other week.

An automatic in-floor cleaning system will do the majority of the cleaning for the pool owners who have one.  Pool owners will occasionally want to check the cleaners to make sure nothing is clogged. Beyond that, the owner should clean the areas the cleaning system can’t reach—walls and dead spots. If you don’t own an automatic chemical feeder, you will also need to add chemicals to your pool.

Interval Pool Maintenance 

Beyond everyday regular maintenance tasks, there are more infrequent pool responsibilities owners should be prepared for. Around every three months, the pool filter should be cleaned. Increased flow on the pressure gauge (over 10 pounds per square inch) is a good indication the filter needs cleaning. During the winter, the filter may not need to be cleaned at all. The salt cell should also be cleaned every three months, or as you notice build-up. The O rings on pump baskets, filters, and backwash valves are also materials that should be lubricated periodically.

What to Expect

Overall, pool maintenance takes 30 minutes to an hour each week, with additional time every few months for cleaning the pool filter and salt cell.

If you have any quick questions you can also call the in-house service department at 480-967-9467. They are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays, April through August. They can also be reached by email here.

For more information about pool maintenance, check out Pool Service and Maintenance FAQ

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host

ron wolfley endorsement for Presidential Pools

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host