Finding the perfect exercise routine to fit your style, time constraints, and personal preferences can seem difficult at times. In order to create an exercise routine that works best for you, it’s important to make sure the exercise is doable, simple, and can even have the option to be completed at home. (Who likes going to the gym on the weekend anyway?)

Water aerobics can easily be done throughout the year in typical Arizona climate. Water aerobics can improve cardiovascular health, joint health, and improve upper and lower body strength. 

Here are 4 reasons you should try water aerobics in your backyard pool:

1. Water Aerobics is Low-Impact.

Water aerobics is a great option for those looking to ease into a new or previously nonexistent exercise routine. Water aerobic exercises have been used to assist with physical therapy, joint and muscle pain, and those requiring low-intensity workout options (i.e. pregnant women).  

2. Water Aerobics Promotes Increased Muscle Strength & Flexibility.

Muscles are sure to get an intense workout with the right movements and intensity. Because of the many movements of water within a pool versus air, the resistance in a pool can often be far greater and result in significant increases in strength, flexibility, and endurance. 

3. Water Aerobics is a Calorie Burner.

By creating a combination of both strength and cardio workouts, the body can usually burn between 400-500 calories an hour doing water aerobics. 

4. Water Aerobics is a Great Option for Hot Days in Arizona.

It goes without saying, but finding an exercise routine that helps you stay fit and is also compatible with the climate makes it far more likely you’ll actually workout. Water aerobics works well for warmer areas because it can be done year-round, allowing room to progress and strengthen muscles throughout the season without needing a break or indoor gym membership. It also allows you to enjoy the outdoors without sweating! With a custom pool right outside in the backyard, water aerobics is an incredibly accessible exercise that works for all skill levels, ages, and exercise types.  

Have We Convinced You to Try Out Water Aerobics? 

Below are some great starter water aerobics workout routines. Choose one and try it out in your pool! 

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host

ron wolfley endorsement for Presidential Pools

Endorsed by Ron Wolfley

Former Arizona Cardinals Player and Arizona Sports 98.7 FM Host